Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Thoughts

Welllllll....Christmas really is here, just a few days or "sleeps." (the kids used to countdown that way.) Without the laughter of Jakie, it proves to be a sedate-adult kind of a day. We hope to be able to make the computer a part of our day to see him and his child-like joy. This will actually be the first Christmas of his 4 that we haven't had him here....he and ihis mom and dad of course....will be missed.

On the other hand, we are glad and grateful that we have all four of the rest of our family present in our home, it has been a blessing for us. Between the four of us, we can come up with a list of blessings that have been given to us by our Savior, whose life we celebrate at this time. As we look toward our future, we know He is with us by our sides, every step of the way. There are times when I have to remind myself of that fact, over and over. On that basis, I am grateful for the Christmas season that provides me with visual and musical reminders of that fact. I know he lives and loves us and knows we can withstand the challenges and yes, sometimes obstacles that we have before us. May we do so gracefully and full of gratitude.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is it Christmas Already?

I can't believe it is soon to be Christmas...the last two months have flown by, well, wait a minute...some things have dragged, some things have been a blurrrr, and probably some things I have missed altogether. Nonetheless, Christmas is coming, ready or not!

A friend e-mailed me earlier this week and said with quite a bit of sarcasm, that she was up early the day after Thanksgiving, wondering if I was already out shopping. She said that I provided her with a smile at 4 in the morning. Anyone who knows me well, knows only too well that I am generally not much of a shopper and that my Christmas shopping is usually done between the 20th and 25th of December...and wrapping it all...well that's another story for another day.

An update on our family:

Rick has completed his 4th round of Chemo this week. He is starting to dread going to the clinic and being poked and prodded and then he starts thinking about how he feels afterward...let's say this, he doesn't warmly anticipate this process every other week. Some of the lab tests (cancer markers) are coming down, which is a good thing, but as with anything medical, there are many unknowns. He is eating some and not losing weight at the rapid pace that he was and he is we are feeling better about those things.

Katie is keeping busy taking care of Rick's every need, she is a little like a doberman that way, fiercely protective...she knows what he is doing every minute! (It is a comfort to know she is in charge when I am not here) She is working a little and planning her Spring semester and getting ready to be very poor (after tuition is paid). I have learned in my longer life that education is really never wasted...and believe it or not, learning invigorates a person. That's my hope for her in January. Rick and I hate to see her put life on hold because if you know Katie, you know she has always been so full of life!

Cam has been juggling jobs, applications for school, getting refunds and documentation from Utah State and trying to settle in back in Provo. He too has been a great support and is a bit on the too serious side. I think he has been glad he made the choice to come home, but he misses his friends and the social life that he had at Utah State. It is hard to come back to "boring" at home. He is now working at UVRMC as a PCA, just completing the training this week. He has enjoyed the work. He is still trying to work prn at Jamestown. He enjoys most of the residents there and easily develops relationships with thing about it, they don't mince any words. On his shift Thursday, a resident asked if he was married, when he replied that he wasn't, she told him he better hurry up because he was losing his hair. Well, if you know Cam, that touched a sore spot for him (at least about the hair..not sure about the marriage part!) He too has been a great help to all of us. He is beginning to see me coming with things I need him to do...but most of the time, he just does it as a part of his "schedule and planning."

Rick, Sarah and Jakie have settled back into life in Pittsburgh. They are looking at being away for Christmas for the first time since they married almost 6 years ago. Sarah is struggling with morning-sickness, but trying to focus on the end-reward. Their new baby will come in June sometime. Jake is terribly missed in this house. We try to keep in touch with phone calls, but it isn't the same as having him want to sleep (or jump) in your bed or play any number of imagination games with you..funny while on the phone or computer he wants you to see whatever he has in his hand or in his mind....after having spent a month here, he often says he wants to come "over" to our house. He forgets that it takes a day on planes to get "over" here. Rick is doing well w/his fellowship and is learning every day and yet still making a great contribution to the organization.

Rick is balancing appointments, medicines, paperwork and monitoring potential sales of business property...trying to simplify our lives a little. He really is great to try to keep going when the going is tough, I do believe it helps the psyche....however, he hasn't gotten up enough energy to get the Christmas decorations out....we would like a good Christmas fairy to come and decorate for us...somehow that process does not get simplified over time. Most of the time, the down sides are balanced with the good and he is handling things pretty well....

As for me, I continue to go to work, and try like crazy to be effective there and escape from time to time for Rick's appts where I can. I miss the frenzy of school and the learning that goes with that. I miss the primary kids. I am grateful for the friends and neighbors that are so graciously serving us. If you know me well, you know that is probably the most difficult thing for allow others to serve. That is one of my challenges for now. I am amazed at all those who sincerely want to serve...and those who just do what they can. Example: Our next door neighbors bring us dinner every Thursday night...they are so sweet to us. When I look at them in their late 80's...I am glad their are willing and able to serve...I think often it is I that should be helping and serving them.

Well, off to my is going to be packed with activity...for you who might read this, thank you all for your prayers. That is the thing that keeps us going, knowing that there are so many people who petition our Heavenly Father regularly on our behalf...may we be worthy of those prayers and the beneficiaries of the blessings sent.

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