Saturday, August 23, 2008

Good-bye to Summer, and other good-byes!

Today was my last day of freedom from the intensity of school, work and family all rolled together. Even though I had only one class this summer, I felt tied down. I expended a lot of energy to that one class...glad it's over. So I had three weeks where I had no was great until the e-mails started coming to tell us what we needed to do before we arrive for our on-campus day on the 29th. The stress started seeping in. Today the classes are posted on-line and I was supposed to look through them all in great detail...I got about half-way through and decided that I wasn't going to do any more today...I was going to enjoy my last day and look at it again's that for procrastination before I even start? So for entertainment we took Cam to Sam's club to shop for school ...protein bars...we have been shopping a little several times a week and he had it all in the loaded up by about 4 and took off for Logan....It is always hard to send him out the door to school...he is a great help to us and he even thinks we might still have some wisdom...sometimes.

So today, I said good-bye to summer and to Cam, for a while...funny how things are changing in life...pretty soon we'll be rattling around in the house by ourselves.....I'm not looking forward to that...but the good-byes are all for good reasons that will help us all grow....guess I'll have to get better at them and say hello to a new portion of living and learning.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


We have a great music leader in our Primary...she is doing amazing things with the we were waiting for all the classes to arrive for closing time, 5 little sunbeams (4 of them boys) stood shoulder to shoulder in front and sang "I am a Child of God" was sweet to say the least and I am sure will pop up in the Sacrament meeting program...out of the mouths of babes!

Then as I am closing my sabbath, I got a rousing rendition of "Called to Serve" from Jakie over the telephone. I bet there's not a more enthusiastic singer for that song....I can hear the intensity with which he does the actions...thank heavens for Skype ...I have also seen the power of the actions as well. And, again, there is power in that message....

The spirit of the children is something that many people miss...sorry, they just don't have it in Relief Society....

Waiting, waiting, waiting....

This week we have been waiting. Hopefully for a mission call for Katie, but instead, we waited to hear from her while she was vacationing w/cousins in So. California. She checked in and if she didn't her dad was calling...making sure she was in the world will he be able to send her on a mission? She came back in one piece, although quite scorched...pretty much the same color as a cooked lobster. Seems she has some bumps and bruises on elbows and knees...I'll let her tell you about that...She keeps telling us that they all used sunblock, must have been a low SPF...didn't do a whole lot of good! I understand the cousins are all fried!

When we went to church today, Katie asked the Bishop to check the church site to see if her call had been issued....he checked and no luck....we won't see it this week either. Hope all is in order and her call will be issued this week...which we understand is Friday...making its' arrival here sometime the week of the 24th. Our luck will be that it will arrive while we are in Pittsburgh. I feel like we're in limbo, not knowing what to do to prepare (at least temporally) until we know her destination. But there is still plenty to do, like work and study and starting to think like a missionary....and do all of my errands while I'm at work :)

I'll continue to wait...wish I had planned on three or four weeks in the first place.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Talked to Jakie today, he was pretty distressed. Something about his foot and falling on the sidewalk and Mommy putting ice on it, but it hurt so he didn't want the ice etc., etc., etc.,...I proceeded in my nurse-ness and grandma-ness to say that he should let his Mommy put ice on it, it would make it feel better....NOPE..."Grandma, ONLY a band-aid makes it feel better!" I should have I said, "Well, put the band-aid on, then the ice" "OKAY, Grandma!"

I thought I had a breakthrough until Rick told me that this happened days ago and he was still a drama king about anyone touching it or even removing the band-aid for a bath. I should have been giving my "it's all better now" speech!

Oh how I wish a band-aid made everything better! But, maybe I should try it just to remind me of the wisdom of a three year-old.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby Girl

I send my baby girl off to California tomorrow. 5 girls packed into a car, driving across some of the hottest desert in the country. They are going to Las Vegas, Disneyland, the beach, Hollywood, to visit and stay w/other cousins (Zach and Tom) and to points undetermined. Hope the Garmin works well and they stay out of traffic! It will be a bonding experience for the "cousins"

While she's gone, her mission call may come. If it does, I may have to steal the mail so that her Dad doesn't open it. He is threatening, his mom opened his...he doesn't see a thing wrong with it. Hopefully it is delayed until next week, then we won't have to worry about it! Although, it would be nice to know........

Textbook Glut...

I just finished purchasing my textbooks for next semester (two short weeks away) and never cease to be amazed at the cost of paperback books. I looked at several sites and wondered if I could trust them coming from all over the country and then not even be sure they were the right edition. It might have saved me $50+ dollars, but I decided to be my steady old self and ordered from the bookstore. I spent a mere $231.70 for 4 books...the sad part is that two of them are statistics books that I'll probably never understand anyway...

I shouldn't cry about it, Cam says he has one book this semester that will cost him $150...for one book. That's crazy. Whatever happened to the "rental" plan that we like to hear so much about??? Apparently there are a few to be rented at Utah State, but alas, I don't see anything of the sort at Great, Great Weber State. Ok, I'll quit complaining...

On the upside, after a summer of $)(%*# in my English writing class, I just got my grade.....I REALLY couldn't believe the "A" after all the grief I got from the instructor...let's just say this, we educated ourselves pretty I bet we all got an A.. I think I'll say it now, I have a 4.0 GPA sor far in Graduate I said, here comes stats...probably won't be able to say that next semester. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Grandma's First Post

This is my first chance to post...Katie set this up for me so that I could post on other's blogs....soe here I am. Not much interesting about me today....

Friday, August 1, 2008

A New Blog

Grandma will hopefully post on this. Happy new blog Grandma!

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