Sunday, August 17, 2008


We have a great music leader in our Primary...she is doing amazing things with the we were waiting for all the classes to arrive for closing time, 5 little sunbeams (4 of them boys) stood shoulder to shoulder in front and sang "I am a Child of God" was sweet to say the least and I am sure will pop up in the Sacrament meeting program...out of the mouths of babes!

Then as I am closing my sabbath, I got a rousing rendition of "Called to Serve" from Jakie over the telephone. I bet there's not a more enthusiastic singer for that song....I can hear the intensity with which he does the actions...thank heavens for Skype ...I have also seen the power of the actions as well. And, again, there is power in that message....

The spirit of the children is something that many people miss...sorry, they just don't have it in Relief Society....

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