Monday, August 11, 2008

Textbook Glut...

I just finished purchasing my textbooks for next semester (two short weeks away) and never cease to be amazed at the cost of paperback books. I looked at several sites and wondered if I could trust them coming from all over the country and then not even be sure they were the right edition. It might have saved me $50+ dollars, but I decided to be my steady old self and ordered from the bookstore. I spent a mere $231.70 for 4 books...the sad part is that two of them are statistics books that I'll probably never understand anyway...

I shouldn't cry about it, Cam says he has one book this semester that will cost him $150...for one book. That's crazy. Whatever happened to the "rental" plan that we like to hear so much about??? Apparently there are a few to be rented at Utah State, but alas, I don't see anything of the sort at Great, Great Weber State. Ok, I'll quit complaining...

On the upside, after a summer of $)(%*# in my English writing class, I just got my grade.....I REALLY couldn't believe the "A" after all the grief I got from the instructor...let's just say this, we educated ourselves pretty I bet we all got an A.. I think I'll say it now, I have a 4.0 GPA sor far in Graduate I said, here comes stats...probably won't be able to say that next semester. Wish me luck!


Shumway's said...


Never ceases to NOT surprise me that you do so well in school - no one works harder than you. you.


Grandma Shums said...

Believe me, I didn't expect the outcome I got....she sure left me wondering!

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